Both sides now stereo
Both sides now stereo

The origional B3 was a synthasizer itself. This software is definatly a synthasizer. its no matter if this Model uses real samples or if it uses tones and then builds or takes away from them. When the leslie is active though you can see obvious setero seperation in the level meter found in most music software. Even when the Leslie is not activated this unit has some very very minor stereo seperation. If you record a Leslie with two mics (one paned left and one paned right) and set them up on either side of the Leslie speaker then instead of the volume level going up and down it will it simply fade right to left. The volume will increase or reduce as the speaker position passes the face of the mic.

both sides now stereo

If you mic a Leslie with a single mono mic you will produce a sound much similar to a vibrato but yet its mono. Its the Leslie Speaker that changed all that. Any outputs from the b3 run into a stereo monitoring unit (speaker, headphones, ect.) will produce the exact same sound on both sides. It is true that the orgional b3 was a mono instrument.

Both sides now stereo